Friday, October 7, 2011

Unrepeatable Not Repeating.

Five years ago I created a website called I Am Unrepeatable. It was a space on the internet for open thank you notes and love letters -- a place for anyone to post a personal message in a public space, with an option to send the message to the person mentioned. I was inspired by wondering what "regular" people would say if given the chance to make an acceptance speech like all the fancy movie stars do at the Oscars; I was inspired by the notion that living life every day is a beautiful achievement, more deserving of attention and air space than the "Best Actor In A Motion Picture." 

This year I made the decision not to renew the space with my web host. It doesn't get as much attention as it first did, but more than that, I've realized people now share so much of their lives on Facebook. It's true that plenty of status updates are full of complaints (about the weather, traffic, strangers, Mondays, etc), but there are also incredible messages of love and acknowledgement shared in that online community. 

So it is not with sadness, but with gratitude, that I say that's days are numbered. I feel a sense of accomplishment that my little corner of the internet can pass on to the nether world knowing that Facebook has become an integral part of so many people's lives, so much so that it's second nature for someone to share how much they love their parent, sibling, or child, just because it's their birthday. It's an incredible thing, actually, if you think about how different the world is today than it was 1o or even 5 years ago.

I took screen shots of all the pages of Unrepeatable so I'll always be able to go back and read all 593 acknowledgements. I would encourage you to take a gander at them. I guarantee it will improve your mood. In fact, I challenge you not to cry, or get goosebumps. 

As crazy as people can be, I still believe we all share something beautiful and pure at our core. 

Here's the first thing ever posted on the site, written back in the summer of 2006. Five years ago, my immediate family was my parents and 2 siblings. Now it includes my husband and daughter. By taking a moment to really absorb that fact, something as abstract and seemingly remote as a website has touched me to my core once again. Thanks for all those who participated and visited over the years.

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